Land: °14K° _This_ is °[255,127,80]°_True °K°_Love"!"
Hobbys: °14K°_You&Me_ forever °[255,127,80]°_*-*
Job: °14K° i love you _;_ i love you _;_ i love you
°14K°`¯¯¯¯¯´'`¯¯¯¯¯´'`¯¯¯¯¯´'`¯¯¯*¯¯¯¯#°[255,127,80]°_Du °K°_bist die Liebe °[255,127,80]°_meines °K°_Lebens Baby °[255,127,80]°_"!"°K°_#++ Ich _Liebe_ Dich ‹3 ++ Ich °[255,127,80]°_Liebe °K°_Dich °[255,127,80]°_‹3 °K°_++#Er ist {._mein_.} Leben ♥## °8° (c) amoureuse-fille
Real Name: °14K°» PU_$_SYCATD"_O_"°14[205,16,118]°_ℓℓ°K°_S <3
Stadt: °14K°I °[205,16,118]°_♥ °K°_THIS # SONG //
Hobbys: °14[205,16,118]°_♪ °K°_I HATE _THIS_ PART °[205,16,118]°_♫
Job: ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
°14K°» Everyday °[205,16,118]°_seven °K°_takes # _of_ the same old °[205,16,118]°_scene°K°_#°[205,16,118]°_Seems °K°_we're bound _by_ the loss of the same routine *+.#Gotta talk to °[205,16,118]°_you °K°_now 'fore we _go_ to sleep#++But °[205,16,118]°_will °K°_you _sleep_ once I °[205,16,118]°_tell °K°_you++##°8° (c) amoureuse-fille
Real Name: °14°‹__Süchtig nach °[100,149,237]°_ihm_°K° ‹З.*
Stadt: °14K°so in °[100,149,237]°_love °K°_with you ♥
Realname: °14°__________ °20°_M_°14°"äd"ch._e_.n °20°_?!
Stadt: °14°Du glaubst - °9°I C H°14° - bin eine
Land: °14° - -°20°_ SCHLAMPE_°14° "???" - -
Hobbys: °10°"H A H A", °14°_.._ { s"üüü"ß } - NUR WEIL _ICH
Job: °14°MEHR °11°_NIVEAU_°14° habe als du °20°"_?"!
Stadt: °14°I °20M°don’t like°14K° your Girlfriend ♥
Land: °14°No way °M°_;;_°° No way
Hobbys: °14°I think you need a °20M°new one°14K°!
Job: °14°Hey Hey °M°_;;_°° You You
#°20M°♥ I could be your Girlfriend°14K° ##Hey Hey °M°_;;_°° You You#°20M°I know°14K° that you like me!#No way °M°_;;_°° No way#No, it's °20M°not a secret°14K° ...#Hey Hey °M°_;;_°° You You##°20M°I want to be your girlfriend ♥##°8K° (c) amoureuse-fille